
7 Major INFP Weaknesses & How to Manage Them (2024)

Acknowledging your weaknesses doesn’t make you inadequate or diminish your strengths. It gives you the ability to make the right choices and strive for a life you find meaningful and fulfilling. 

If you are not aware of your personality flaws, you may end up in situations that make you unhappy and go against your beliefs and values.

The two biggest INFP weaknesses are their unrealistic approaches and shy character.

INFP Weaknesses

1. Fanciful

A common INFP weakness is their unrealistic approach to life. They have a hard time dealing with the fact that the world is not perfect, which leads them to see life through rose-colored glasses. 

intuitive (I) side of their character creates this INFP negative trait. INFP personalities are more concerned about how things should be than how they actually are.

This INFP weakness at work is particularly problematic. They set high expectations for themselves and their colleagues and become very disappointed when reality falls short of them.

How to Deal With it

  • INFPs can manage this weakness by setting achievable goals.
  • These personalities can avoid this personality trait by learning as much as possible about their projects before making decisions.
  • INFPs can minimize this problematic characteristic by being open to change and adjusting their plans as needed.

2. Withdrawn

Another INFP problem is their overly shy character.  They want to connect with others but don’t know how to navigate new social environments. As a result, they withdraw from the outside world, leaving them feeling isolated.

The introverted (I) side of their personality is the main responsible for this weakness. INFPs become drained when they spend too much time with people and need time alone to recharge their batteries.

This INFP weakness in relationships brings many problems. An INFP under stress becomes even more shy and withdrawn. Their partner, friends, and colleagues don’t understand what’s going on, and they can’t explain it, which makes everything more difficult.

How to Deal With it

  • INFPs can manage this weakness by taking small steps and talking more with their neighbors or coworkers.
  • These personalities can avoid this personality trait by engaging in hobbies they enjoy with other people.
  • INFPs can minimize this problematic characteristic by practicing self-compassion and being patient with themselves.

3. Inattentive

A well-known INFP flaw is their inability to focus on a task for long periods of time. They have great ideas but become overwhelmed by the work involved, which hinders their productivity.

This INFP personality weakness comes from the perceptive (P) side of their character. INFPs are flexible and spontaneous, which makes them disorganized and prone to procrastination.

One of the situations in which this weakness for INFP manifests itself is when doing work or school assignments. They have difficulty paying attention or staying on task, leading to problems with authority figures.

How to Deal With it

  • INFPs can manage this weakness by eliminating distractions, such as turning off notifications on their phone or working in a quiet space.
  • These personalities can avoid this personality trait by taking regular breaks during the day to recharge.
  • INFPs can minimize this problematic characteristic by exercising to improve their focus and concentration.

4. Overly sensitive

Another negative INFP characteristic that causes conflict is their high level of emotionality. These personalities are deeply compassionate and feel other people’s feelings as if they were their own. This leads them to become emotionally drained by absorbing the moods of others.

This negative quality stems from the feeling (F) side of their character. INFPs are easily affected by the emotions and feelings of others and go out of their way to help or support them.

Being overly sensitive brings obstacles in professional settings. INFPs cannot help but be moved by the personal lives of their colleagues or clients, even when they need to maintain a level of professionalism and emotional distance.

How to Deal With it

  • INFPs can manage this weakness by learning to set boundaries with people and situations that may trigger their emotional vulnerability.
  • These personalities can avoid this personality trait by practicing self-care to avoid the negative effects of their sensitivity.
  • INFPs can minimize this problematic characteristic by building emotional resilience to better handle emotional situations.

5. People-pleaser

Another personality weakness of INFP is their lack of assertiveness. These individuals strive for harmony, which makes them shy away from conflict. If others don’t agree with them, they go to great lengths to change their minds.

The feeling (F) side of their character is the on responsible for thisdeficiency. They base their actions on their feelings and on what they think will make others happy.

This personality weakness leads them to sacrifice their own needs and wants to please their partner, friends or family members. They also put on a facade or act in a way that they think will be more appealing to others.

How to Deal With it

  • INFPs can manage this weakness by being true to themselves instead of trying to fit in.
  • These personalities can avoid this personality trait by setting healthy boundaries and asserting their needs.
  • INFPs can minimize this problematic characteristic by listening to their intuition when making decisions.

6. Self-judgmental

Another negative personality trait that needs room for improvement is INFPs’ judgmental character. These individuals want to live up to their high standards and engage in negative self-talk when they fail to live up to them.

This problematic characteristic comes from the intuitive (I) side of their personality. INFPs are interested in what might be possible and forget to work through the facts.

At the same time, this weakness makes INFPs insecure and discourages them, leading them to give up on their dreams and settle for situations they don’t find fulfilling.

How to Deal With it

  • INFPs can manage this weakness by acknowledging their strengths regularly.
  • These personalities can avoid this personality trait by practicing self-compassion and treating themselves with kindness.
  • INFPs can minimize this problematic characteristic by asking their loved ones for support and guidance.

7. Impractical

Another potential problem area in INFPs’ life is their inability to find practical solutions to their everyday problems. INFPs stand up for their values and stick to what’s right, which keeps them from accomplishing things on time.

This weakness also comes from the intuitive (I) side of their personality. INFPs think so much about the possibilities that they forget to think about how to make them a reality.

INFPs can achieve personal growth by accepting that perfection does not exist. They are always planning for the future of their relationships and careers and are slow to take concrete action, which frustrates their partners and colleagues.

How to Deal With it

  • A good way to overcome this weakness is by setting clear and realistic goals.
  • These personalities can avoid this personality trait by seeking the advice and guidance of other practical people.
  • INFPs can minimize this problematic characteristic by being open to feedback and adjusting their approach as necessary.


What is INFPs weakest function?

The INFP’s weakest function is their fanciful approach to life.

What do INFPs struggle with?

INFPs struggle with dealing with practical issues and paying attention to detail.

What do INFPs fear the most?

What INFPs fear the most is disappointing other people.

What annoys the INFPs the most?

What annoys the INFPs the most is that the real world is not as ideal as they think it should be.

What is the dark side of INFPs?

The dark side of INFPs is their inability to navigate new environments, which makes them withdrawn and shy.

What annoys people about INFPs?

What annoys people about INFPs is their inability to focus on one thing at a time.

What are INFPs misunderstood as?

INFPs are misunderstood as passive but just like seeing other people happy.

What stresses out INFPs the most?

What stresses out INFPs the most is making mistakes because they are too self-judgmental.

How to improve INFP weaknesses?

INFP can improve their weaknesses by practicing self-compassion and assertiveness.

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