
7 Major INTJ Weaknesses & How to Manage Them (2024)

Acknowledging your weaknesses doesn’t make you inadequate or diminish your strengths. It gives you the ability to make the right choices and strive for a life you find meaningful and fulfilling. 

If you are not aware of your personality flaws, you may end up in situations that make you unhappy and go against your beliefs and values.

The two biggest INTJ weaknesses are their conceited demeanor and emotional detachment.

INTJ Weaknesses

1. Conceited

A prominent INTJ weakness is the arrogant way in which they offer their advice or opinions. They take pride in their factual knowledge, but end up coming across as conceited.

This INTJ flaw comes from the thinking (T) side of their personality. These individuals use their powerful intellect to base their opinions and conclusions, and judge those who don’t. 

When these personalities are in the workplace, this INTJ negative trait comes to play. INTJs believe they know more than their colleagues and act accordingly, creating unnecessary conflict around them.

How to Deal With it

  • An effective way to minimize this weakness is by considering how their actions are perceived by others.
  • These personalities can avoid this problematic trait by seeking feedback from loved ones and acting on their advice.
  • INTJs can manage this negative characteristic by recognizing their own limits and being open to other people’s knowledge.

2. Emotionally Detached

Another common weakness for INTJ is their rejection of the emotional realm. They believe that feelings get in the way of objective facts, and they get impatient when people show their vulnerability.

The thinking (T) side of their personality also creates this INTJ problem. For these personalities, rationality and facts are more valuable than emotion or subjectivity.

An INTJ under stress becomes even more impatient and unsympathetic to overly sensitive people. When they have a lot on their plate, they are less able to offer support or empathy to those around them.

How to Deal With it

  • An effective way to minimize this weakness is by practicing self-compassion and being more open with their own emotions.
  • These personalities can avoid this problematic trait by practicing active listening without judging.
  • INTJs can manage this negative characteristic by trying to put themselves in other people’s shoes.

3. Hyper-critical

A negative INTJ characteristic that brings a few problems to these personalities’ life is their overly critical character. INTJs are self-disciplined and committed and are judgemental of those who don’t match their level of control.

The judging (J) side of their personality is responsible for this INTJ personality weakness. They make logical and structured decisions and stick to them to the end.

This INTJ weakness in relationships is particularly problematic. They don’t like spontaneous outings and are overly critical of their partner’s choices, making them feel judged and invalidated.

How to Deal With it

  • An effective way to minimize this weakness is by reframing their thoughts for more positive ones.
  • These personalities can avoid this problematic trait by practicing gratitude instead of focusing on the negative things.
  • INTJs can manage this negative characteristic by practicing active listening and empathy.

 4. Confrontational

Another personality weakness that causes stress to INTJs is their confrontational nature. These people don’t like to follow rules or guidelines just because an authority figure says so. This causes them to waste time on arguments that are not important.

Their lack of patience in this matter comes from the intuitive (I) side of their personalities. INTJs are interested in what could be, rather than adapting to things as they are.

This weakness appears when INTJs are in competitive or overly restrictive environments. They begin to question the reasoning, the rules, or the intentions of other people and end up arguing with anyone who crosses their path.

How to Deal With it

  • An effective way to minimize this weakness is by taking a step back to calm down during heated situations.
  • These personalities can avoid this problematic trait by seeking compromise instead of arguing.
  • INTJs can manage this negative characteristic by speaking in a calm and measured tone.

5. Socially awkward

A common negative quality that causes conflict in the INTJs’ lives is their struggle to connect with other people. They are so obsessed with proving their point and facts in every conversation that they end up isolating themselves from the rest.

This deficiency stems from the introverted (I) side of their personality. INTJs feel more comfortable and energized when they are alone or surrounded by their close-knit circle of friends.

This weakness trait appears when invited to social events or gatherings. They have a hard time relaxing and enjoying their interactions and end up feeling uncomfortable and ready to leave.

How to Deal With it

  • An effective way to minimize this weakness is by studying and learning about social cues.
  • These personalities can avoid this problematic trait by being kind to themselves when things don’t go as planned.
  • INTJs can manage this negative characteristic by learning to be authentic and laugh at themselves.

6. Imbalance

A potential problem area they need to work on to achieve personal growth is their professional lives. INTJs value work more than leisure or social time, which ultimately takes a toll on their emotional well-being.

This problematic characteristic stems from the judging (J) side of their personalities. INTJs have set a path and a goal in their professional life and do not allow anyone or anything to distract them from it.

INTJs have a strong sense of drive and ambition but have difficulty setting boundaries. They may find themselves working long hours, neglecting personal responsibilities, and ruining the possibility of a fulfilling relationship.

How to Deal With it

  • An effective way to minimize this weakness is by disconnecting from work outside of those hours.
  • These personalities can avoid this problematic trait by prioritizing self-care.
  • INTJs can manage this negative characteristic by learning to relax and delegating some tasks.

7. Perfectionist 

The last INTJ negative personality trait that needs room for improvement is their obsession with getting things right. The detail-oriented nature of INTJs causes them to feel anxious and unsatisfied with most of their work and projects.

The judging (J) side of their character is also responsible for this personality trait. INTJs are very structured and don’t allow room for flexibility in their lives.

This weakness is more pronounced at work or in school. INTJs strive for perfection in their performance, often putting in excessive time and effort to achieve perfect results.

How to Deal With it

  • An effective way to overcome this weakness is by recognizing that it is holding them back from enjoying life.
  • These personalities can avoid this problematic trait by taking a more realistic and flexible perspective.
  • INTJs can manage this negative characteristic by celebrating the small wins and appreciating their efforts.


What is INTJs weakest function?

INTJs weakest function is their conceited nature.

What do INTJs struggle with?

INTJs struggle with finding a work-life balance.

What do INTJs fear the most?

INTJs fear social gatherings the most.

What annoys the INTJs the most?

What annoys the INTJs the most is people who place feelings over rationality.

What is the dark side of INTJs?

The dark side of INTJs is their emotionally detached and sometimes unsympathetic nature.

What annoys people about INTJs?

What annoys people about INTJs is their confrontational personality that argues about everything.

What are INTJs misunderstood as?

INTJs are misunderstood as cold and aloof, but they are just socially awkward.

What stresses out INTJs the most?

What stresses out INTJs the most is blindly following arbitration rules.

How to improve INTJ weaknesses?

The way to improve INTJ weaknesses is by practicing self-compassion and empathy.

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